"What is comedy? Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke." - Steve Martin

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Daily Showering Tip (3/10/05)...

When you're on a business trip, your clothes are bound to get wrinkled in the suitcase. If you'd rather not take the time to iron jackets and pants, here's an easy alternative to dewrinkle your dress clothes. Just use the steam from the shower in your hotel room. Simply turn the shower on hot, hang the garment on the shower rod, and let the steam do the work of relaxing the fabric and removing the wrinkles. Easy. And while you're at it, hang your wrinkled grandma up there, too. Not by the neck, though. We don't want to kill grandma; we just want to dewrinkle her.

On second thought, who in their right mind brings their grandma on a business trip? Unless grandma is herself a business person. Hmm, sounds like a good movie. We'll call it "Wall Street Grandma" starring Estelle Getty. She's old, she's tough, and she means BUSINESS.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you just about ripped off my movie idea "President Grandma" (part one of a trilogy, followed by "President Baby" and "President Pooch").

7:25 AM

Blogger Tony said...

Ah, but have you thought of this idea: Mary Kate & Ashley Olson discover that their grandpa, Dabney Coleman, is not just a grandpa, but also an international spy. I call it "Undercover Grandpa".

8:17 AM


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