"What is comedy? Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke." - Steve Martin

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Daily Showering Tip (4/2/05)...

To ensure you completely dry off after a shower, follow the same pattern every time you towel off. I tend to go in this order: hair/head, torso, legs, back, then arms. Last week, I broke the pattern and forgot some parts, which resulted in me walking out of the house with a wet back. Umm...hmm...yeah...Well, it seems that I set myself up there to make a racist joke, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I guess because I'm just not a racist. A racist would have said, "...which resulted in me walking out of the house with a wet back. The neighbors almost called Immigration." Seriously, I'm not a racist and I apologize for even mentioning that joke.


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