"What is comedy? Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke." - Steve Martin

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Daily Showering Tip (4/27/05)...

Boogers. Mucus. Phlegm. Green stuff. Who likes 'em? Not me. Well, occasionally I'll indulge myself, but that's beside the point. The point is that when you wake up in the morning, you've usually accumulated one or all of these things in your system, and they need to be cleared out. Green phlegm should be cleared from the chest, and boogers from the nose. And what better place to do that than in the shower? Just hack and blow to your heart's content. The water carries everything down the drain and out of sight. But beware of the errant booger. I've noticed a few healthy green globules that have probably been on my shower wall for close to a month. These have become hard like cement. Brushes, scrapers, soaps and solvents do nothing to remove them. Unfortunately, errant cement boogers need to be gnawed off.


Blogger apurk said...

I prefer to refer to it as "Lung Butter."

10:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend in prayer, Rebecca, brought this site to our attention in prayer group Tuesday evening. She was very distressed at what she'd stumbled upon and so we prayed over it for some time. I decided to see for myself, and did indeed find filth and vile utterings. Today's posting is simply disgusting, but the article about the pope is most disturbing. I fear for your souls and pray a lighting bolt won't be sent from above as punishment for your irreverence and sins. I also invite you into our circle of prayer should you come to understand the error of your ways and choose the path of the faithful and repent.

11:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PSA: A booger wiped on clothing can dry and scratch you. See Eddie Murphy in "Golden Child" for more info.

This is the LAST response I personally will be making regarding Rebecca and any other Churchy LeFemme... at least TRY to be funny. Thank you.

11:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on ryalut. I mean prayer group on Tuesday evening. That's pretty funny.

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right... crap, my damn sarasm detector was shut off... *swings hand over head* Whoosh!

1:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:09 PM


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